Shepherds Sharing
Shepherds Sharing
We read in Luke 2 of the Shepherds’ account. We are told that they lived in the fields, keeping watch of their flocks 24/7. In first century Judaism, shepherding was a vocation that was frowned upon and shepherds were often social outcasts. They were very likely poor and needy and yet, the birth of the Messiah was announced to them. Having witnessed God become flesh in the form of a baby in the manger: “they spread the word…and all who heard it were amazed.”
The word of Jesus was spread last Sunday, Monday and Tuesday across Loudoun – Purcellville, Sterling and Leesburg. Hundreds of partners heard of the love of Jesus Christ and witnessed the love of Jesus Christ in action with a meal and gifts. Twelve individuals gave their lives to Christ thanks to the “spreading of the word.”
If you played any part in our Christmas for Others outreach by praying, donating or volunteering – thank you for helping TOL reach out to the poor and needy in our community with the love of Jesus Christ.
Paul Smith
Chief Executive Officer