Living with Gratitude


Dear Friend,

Over the years, I have joined many people in choosing a ‘word of the year’ or a theme to help me live intentionally. Through the changing seasons of my life, the word that keeps coming up over and over is ‘gratitude’. I am frequently humbled by blessings both big and small, all of which I recognize as gifts from God.

As a young girl, I remember often living with very little, even not having enough food at times but always feeling thankful for what we did have and not focusing on what we did not. This is a lesson I have attempted to keep prevalent in my life, maintaining a spirit of thankfulness through the highs and lows.  This has shown me that living in a space of gratefulness or thankfulness is in itself a blessing, offering a perspective that is uplifting, even when we are walking though the trials of life.

It is no wonder then that in 1 Thessolonians 5:18, we are taught to give thanks IN everything, not FOR everything.  There are times when we walk though valleys, but we are still to be thankful, keeping our heads lifted and our eyes on Him and in doing so, we will be blessed.

Again, in Psalm 92:1 we are told, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.” When we are faced with challenges, great or small, it is good to pause and thank Him for the blessings of the past and the future.

Jesus modeled this for us, giving thanks before the miracle of feeding the 5,000, at the tomb of Lazarus, and at the last supper before His death for all of mankind. He demonstrated gratitude when He did not have to. He thanked God for food and for the opportunity to minister to others even unto death.

As we seek to be thankful in all circumstances, we are able to more clearly see the blessings that our Father has bestowed upon us and we desire to bless others in turn.  The opportunity to serve the community and to walk alongside you as we honor the Lord through our service increases my sense of gratitude each day.

I invite each of you to consider volunteering, praying for and with us, and giving to support the work that we endeavor to as the hands and feet of Jesus.


All for Him,

Susannah Lee

Chief Executive Officer