Calendar of Events
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3 events,
The Clothing Closet – Story Time
The Clothing Closet – Story Time
As a way to offer A Bit More to the community, we are hosting Story Time for children every week in the store. Stop in and enjoy a Bible story or a classic children's tale!
3 events,
Community Dinner PURCELLVILLE
Community Dinner PURCELLVILLE
Join us each week for a FREE community dinner at our TOL Purcellville Center!
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4 events,
The Clothing Closet – Story Time
The Clothing Closet – Story Time
As a way to offer A Bit More to the community, we are hosting Story Time for children every week in the store. Stop in and enjoy a Bible story or a classic children's tale!
SimplyBe Connected
SimplyBe Connected
As part of our outreach to the special needs community, we invite parents and guardians of special needs children and adults to SIMPLYBE CONNECTED - an opportunity to meet, talk and connect on the third Wednesday of every month. *Are you new to the area or to the special needs community? *Are you a seasoned … Continued
3 events,
Community Dinner PURCELLVILLE
Community Dinner PURCELLVILLE
Join us each week for a FREE community dinner at our TOL Purcellville Center!
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3 events,
3 events,
The Clothing Closet – Story Time
The Clothing Closet – Story Time
As a way to offer A Bit More to the community, we are hosting Story Time for children every week in the store. Stop in and enjoy a Bible story or a classic children's tale!
2 events,
Community Dinner PURCELLVILLE
Community Dinner PURCELLVILLE
Join us each week for a FREE community dinner at our TOL Purcellville Center!